John Luther Adam's "Sila: The Breath of the World." World premiere at Lincoln Center Out of Door's Festival.
From NPR's Deceptive Cadence. Richard Carrick's "la scène miniature." Performed in 2013 at the Roulette Theater in Brooklyn, NY by Hotel Elefant hosted by Ear Heart Music.
James Hodson's "Alaska Takes No Prisoners." Performed at 2011 Fairbanks Summer Arts Festival in Fairbanks, AK with Redshift. |
Andrew Norman's "Try." Performance at the 2014 Bang on a Can Marathon with Contemporaneous.
"ferocious, focused performance"- New York Times Conrad Winslow's "The Cosmic Hamlet." Commissioned and premiered in 2013 at Wild Shore Festival for New Music in Homer, AK with TRANSIT and Vicky Chow.
Richard Carrick's "Prisoner's Cinema." Performed and commissioned in 2013 by Hotel Elefant Roulette Theater in Brooklyn, NY by Hotel Elefant hosted by Ear Heart Music.
Phillip Sink's "Two Poems for Wind Quinet: Looming." Performed at commission in 2010 by the Chamber Music Institute at University Nebraska Lincoln. Performed by Quintessential Winds.